October 22, 2008

Where's a fried bologna sandwich when you need one?

On the way to work yesterday — at my new job — I dropped Jennifer and Presley off at the NC State Fair. After lunch, I left the office and joined them. By the time I got there, they'd milked a cow, seen a buncha animals, walked miles, etc. They're huge fans of the Fair, and spent about 10 hours there all-told.

I snapped this picture of Presley on the Ferris wheel (that's Dorton Arena in the background). As you can see, she was a little uneasy about the whole thing. Guess heights aren't her bag.

When we got down, a guy from the News & Observer approached us. He was pointing his camera at us as I was pointing mine at Presley. We appeared on the N&O site this morning.

The whole thing is a bit more documented than I think was really necessary. But it was a fun day, even though I never found the fried bologna sandwich place Mark Brumback told me about.

Oh, and Presley won a stuffed bear and a weird doll that plays some crazy song in some crazy language.

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