January 08, 2009

Ron Asheton, 1948-2009

I bought my copy of the Fun House LP at The Finest Record Store in Fort Collins, Colorado, just across the street from Colorado State. I lived in Greeley, half an hour away, and I can still see that record sitting in the passenger seat of my VW Rabbit on the drove home.

I was very familiar with Iggy's solo stuff and the first Stooges record, but this one was totally new to me. God, that cover! It was a really scary thing, just daring me to drive home and plop it on the turntable.

Fourteen thousand plays later — after the vinyl, the CD, the boxed set and the remastered CD — it's still a really scary thing. And a big fat contender for the single greatest Rock N Roll record every made. Right up there with Rubber Soul and Pet Sounds.

And still, no other guitar, on no other record, sounds like that.

1 comment:

James M Graham said...

I'm with you, brother.