May 12, 2009

Sure it stinks. But why isn't it out on DVD?

Quality has nothing to do with a movie's presence on DVD. Lots of super-crappy movies are available — Dante's Peak, for instance. This particular crappy movie, Rolling Vengeance, is something I'm dying to see. But can't.

My senior year in college, this thing showed up at the Greeley, Colorado, video store where I worked. I thought it looked like a real hoot — stupid even for an 80s action movie — and I planned to take it home some night. Well, these dudes came and stole it (along with a VCR and a copy of Faces Of Death) before I ever got a chance to see it. The bastards! Why couldn't they have ripped off The Princess Bride or The Lost Boys instead? We had dozens of those.

So now it's more than 20 years later and I still haven't seen this thing. Hope you dirtbags enjoyed it! A quick search shows that it's nowhere on DVD.

But the clip below (sorry about the cussin') makes it look like it'll be worth the decades-long wait.

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