August 22, 2007

It's so stupid. I can't wait!

My best friend and I cooked up this really stupid idea. And the more I think about it, the more stoked about it I get.

Okay, so we're really big JAWS geeks. I'm talking really, really big. Like maybe seen it more times than that guy down the street in his mom's basement has seen STAR WARS. That kinda big.

We used to watch it all the time, in a wonderful 16mm Panavision print my Dad had. But now we're adults, and everybody's got DVD players and widescreen TVs and we live a long way from each other and all that kinda grown-up crap.

But we got us this idea. Pick a night. We each get out the DVD and fire it up, at as close to the exact same second as possible. We get on the phone (him in NYC and me in NC) and then we watch it "together." Of course, we could always wait till the next time he's down here or something, but that wouldn't be as stupid, would it? And that's the point of the whole thing.

Maybe we've stumbled upon the Next Big Thing: The Conference Call Film Festival. (Guess we should watch DIAL M FOR MURDER next, huh?)

1 comment:

Craig D said...

My understanding is that is how many folks watch sporting events.

I was amazed to learn this back in the 80's, but it's true. Two guys are watching the same game at the same time and the conversation goes something like this:

Guy #1: Oh, my god! Did you see that?

Guy #2: I don't believe it!

Guy #1: That was awesome! I can't believe that one guy threw the ball and that other guy caught it!

Guy #2: Perhaps the other guy will now score some points!

Guy #1: Perhaps...

(Can you tell I'm not a sports fan?)

I say, if'n the phone bills don;t kill ya, go for it!