September 05, 2007

Word of the day: Blamestorm

Heard this one today. It was a new one on me.

The Urban Dictionary defines BLAMESTORM as: "A meeting, usually corporate or governmental, to decide who should be blamed for the incompetence of the organization itself."

I'm currently involved in a project where it appears just such a meeting took place. However, that would indicate a level of organization that I don't believe this company is capable of. So, probably what we had around here was what the late, great Hunter S. Thompson referred to as a SHIT MIST.

Yeah, that's what it was. And unfortunately, some of it got on me.

1 comment:

Craig D said...

Well, I'm glad they finally have a name for it.

Seems like at every production I ever attended the ol' blamestorm managed to make landfall on my ass. (I had two such meetings per week for 15-1/2 years, BTW)

Here's to better times, Toby!

james: Gervais' THE OFFICE rocks!