October 23, 2007

This Car Knocks Me Out!

Snagged this image offa Jalopy Journal (again). It's the 1920 T-Bucket Ford that graced the cover of (THE) VENTURES IN SPACE, one of my all-time favorite albums.

It was built by Mr. Fred Steele from Maynard, Massachusetts — who they say drove it all the way to California for the photo shoot! His car was chosen because it was white and would show up in the night shot they wanted for the cover.

While this LP has been listed by many, many musicians as a huge influence on their playing (and Keith Moon supposedly played it to death), I'm sure this T was a big influence on a lot of hotrodders in the mid-60s. This car stands, to me at least, as THE quintessential Bucket T. I'm really glad to know it's still around and still in such good shape. Now, if I could just figure out how to get a ride in the thing!

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