As I mentioned in my last thing, if anybody bothered with it, we went to the O. Winston Link Museum in Roanoke over the weekend. Above is one of his elaborate, amazing photographs. (Click on it, it gets bigger.)
As beautiful as his work is, the backstory might be even better. In the late Fifties, he documented the last years of the last railroad to still use steam, Norfolk & Western across Virginia. His shots are amazing compositions, using tons of lights to show the relationship people had with trains in the small towns along the N&W line.
In the museum, you'll see hundreds of his shots, along with his cameras, diagrams and lighting rigs. There's even some artifacts from one of the old country stores he shot.
My wife is from this area (her grandpa worked for N&W) and I'm a closet train nut, so we find this stuff just fascinating. But if you're a railhead or a camera geek, you should consider the museum a pilgrimage you really need to make.
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